All of us, at some point in our lives, have this need to gain inspiration from something around us. No matter how passionate you are or how determined, everyone needs some inspiration in life which can come from anything. A picture, a movie, a song, a beautiful painting or a breathtaking site in nature are all things that inspire us. However, there is one thing that has the capability of touching our hearts with much force; the experiences of others. When we read about ordinary people doing extraordinary things we can’t help but be inspired to do more ourselves.
We have all been inspired by real life stories at some point or the other. It could have been the story of a king or queen, a famous celebrity or the story of someone in our family that has motivated us to do more, to grow and to do better in life. Just like that all of us need a dose of inspiration in our shooting life as well. We at Aim Down Sight want to bring to you the stories of shooters from all over the World, of all ages and disciplines. We believe that their experiences, struggles and victories will help the next champion release his/her potential and leap forward to success.
Our aim is not only to deliver inspirational success stories to our readers but to also give the storyteller the satisfaction of being able to narrate their story to the world. The goal of Aim Down Sight is to create a connection between the reader and the narrator, to create a sense of belonging and to ensure that everyone is heard and understood. Our page is dedicated to bring all aspects of shooting together and this cannot be done with those who have come before us passing down their knowledge to those yet to come.